Tuesday 13 October 2009


Book Animations


I like the idea of using an actual book and having it like a larger scale flip book, although if i were to do something similar to this I would probaly have to start off with a simpler design as the flow of the animation is very smooth there arent any scattered or jumpy parts that can be seen.
Although I really like this animation I don't really see a meaning behind the animation unless it was trying to portray the violence in everything.

'Magic Moving Images'

Magic Moving Images - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5W5JJXtqhw

I love the idea it reminds me of when I was younger when I had an optical illusion book and I was fasinated with the idea of such things. I tried to create one of these but I couldnt get the dimensions of the plastic sheet with the straight lines so it didn't work properly.
But I like the idea of using something in my animation which turns out to be more than it appears.


Birds of a feather- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0b1deL7nA4&feature=related

Pandora's book - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp4h6gSmxRg&feature=related

Animatic 'number three' - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DU_BT-41_NY&feature=related

I must say first of all I love this style of drawing I think its very quirky and cute, the animatics are quite detailed in the pictures to get a clear sense and direction for the scene to conclude whether it will work well and fit in with the next frame.
I have watched the final animations for all three of these and could tel straight away that these were the animatics as the movements shown in arrows and the facial details.

Monday 12 October 2009

Artist Research

Artist: Woody (For Topshop)

I love the style of the illustration I like the large eyes and the simple but imaginative details like with these two examples with the stars and the kite which draws your attention.
I like the idea of using this style of drawing in my animation as I feel it looks quite surreal but quirky at the same time which I like the idea of having that style in my animation.
I first saw the illustrators work about a year ago when browsing the internet and it was a new clothing design it was only a few weeks that I realised that it was an actual designer Zara Wood.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Harvie Krumpet

Harvie Krumpet is a short animation about the life of Harvie Krumpet. The characters used in this animation were created using clay, which I think gives a really nice effect, I especially like how clear the emotions are very clear which really brings across the feelings which are being displayed. I also like the transitions through out his life, it doesn't drag on in parts that aren't nessecery.
However I think that the sound effect and background music should have been more apparent throughout the film as music can build up scenes and I felt it didnt build up the emotions/scene as much as it could have if more audio was included.